Primary Research

I was inspired by Craig Atkninson to take photographs of my grandmothers house using 35mm film, i felt this would help give my book a nostalgic feel and make the photographs produced be… Continue reading

Cafe Royal Books- Craig Atknison

Craig Atkinson is a very interesting practioner that I have been researching, looking at the books he creates he uses a lot of photography, Some books are focused on specific place which obviously… Continue reading

Personal response to Helen Stead’s Work

These are some of my own images edited using photoshop in the style of Helen Stead’s edits, I felt they may be useful in my book development, but after creating them i feel… Continue reading

Helen Stead

This practioner uses photos from her past and layers them over the top of places relevant in her present, such as her home town of salford. i really like the effect that the… Continue reading

Stephen Mcpherson Photography

These photos are taken by the book artist Stephen Mcpherson, they are entitled ‘Home’ and i feel really show the small details of a house which generally go un-noticed, yet are sometimes the… Continue reading

Book Art- Research

This Practioner is Stephen Mcpherson who creates collaged books, called re-claimed photo albums and note books.He transforms these books through the process of collection, i love the collaged nostalgic feel as i think… Continue reading

Place research I think this is a really interesting blog, and artist who uses his sketchbook to record various places and people. Her name is Eleanor Doughty she also hasa her own tumblr dedicated… Continue reading

New Place Project…Continuing from initial place sketchbooks

We started a new project based upon our place sketchbooks, created around a place choice of our own. You may remember that my books were mostly based upon my grandmothers house, the details… Continue reading

Final Think Piece

These are many of my final outcomes although there are more within the series hopefully to be uploaded soon

Jon Stewart’s Response to Gun laws

ALthough approached in a comedic way stewart, raises some very interesting points, ones which actually makes sense and think about gun laws in a logical way, although people kill people, people kill people… Continue reading